2021 - Volume 14 [Issue 4]

Original Research Article

Effect of Tillage on Agro-morphological Parameters and Yield of Cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) in Abongoua, East-Central Côte d'Ivoire

N’ganzoua Kouamé René, N’dakou Koua Ambroise, Kouame Amany Guillaume, Konate Zoumana, Bakayoko Sidiky

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430132

Page: 1-10

Decomposition of Plantain Peel Powder and Assessment of its Effects on Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics

Alla Kouadio Théodore, Gbeze Kpata Hermann Roland, Bomisso Edson Lezin

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430133

Page: 11-24

Varimax Rotated Principal Component Analysis of Productive Traits in Nigeria Indigenous Cattle Raised under Semi-Intensive Management System

D. S. Bunjah Umar, R. O. Okeke, A. C. Nwanmmo, M. O. Bello, O. G. Allen, O. O. Adeniyi, J. M. Madu, L. N. Panshak, D. M. Allen

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430134

Page: 25-29

Analysis of the Effects of Climate Change on Maize Production in Mali

Abdoulaye Maïga, Moussa Bathily, Amadou Bamba, Issoufou Soumaïla Mouleye, Mamadi Sissako Nimaga

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430137

Page: 42-52

Evaluation of the Agromorphological Determinants of the Spread of the Bacterial Disease in Orchards of the Main Mango-Producing Regions in Côte d'Ivoire

Brou Kouassi Guy, Doumbouya Mohamed, Oro Zokou Franck, Doga Dabé, Yapo N'guéssan Patrick, Kouassi Koffi II Nazaire, Dogbo Denezon Odette

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430138

Page: 53-62

Influence of Downward Tapping Delay on Agronomic Parameters of Upward Tapping Rubber Trees

Moro Affia Perpétue, Kouakou N’ guessan Kan Pulchérie, Diarassouba Moussa, Adou Bini Yao Christophe, Konan Djezou, Koffi Antoine, Kouakou Tanoh Hilaire, Obouayeba Samuel

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430139

Page: 63-75

Determining the Coping Strategies towards Household Food Security Practiced by the Farmers in Flood Prone Areas

M. E. Haque, M. N. Islam, M. J. Alam, M. Y. Uddin, M. M. Haque, M. R. Islam, M. A. Majid, M. G. Mostafa, N. Muhammad, M. Z. Turin

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430140

Page: 76-81

Agrophysiological Characterization of Maize (Zea mays) Plants from EV 8728 Seeds Irradiated to Gamma Radiation

Ayolié Koutoua, Beugré Manéhonon Martine, Kanga Ahou Nadia, N’guessan Affoué Sylvie Rachelle, Kanga N’guessan Martial, Kouadio Kouamé Léonard, Kouadio Akéssé Blaise, Koné Sié Kissomanbien, Kouadio Yatty Justin

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430141

Page: 82-88

Effect of Gamma Irradiation of Seeds on the Development and Productivity of Three Maize Varieties (Zea mays. L) in Côte D’ivoire

Yao Kouakou Francois Konan, Ayolié Koutoua, Soro Dogniméton, Koné Sié Kissomanbien, Kouadio Akéssé Blaise, Kouadio Yatty Justin

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430142

Page: 89-99

Evaluation of Sex Effects on Serum Biochemical and Genetic Parameters of Japanese Quails

U. H. Udoh, J. E. Udoh, A. A. Adeoye

DOI: 10.9734/arja/2021/v14i430144

Page: 113-122

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