Yield Gap Analysis in Adoption of Production Technology and Economics of Coconut at Farmers Field of Tumkuru District, India

Nagappa Desai *

Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, UASB, V.C.Farm, Mandya,-5714 405, Karnataka, India,.

B. Mamatha

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural chemistry, College of Agriculture, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru -560 065, Karnataka, India.

M. H. Shankara

Department of Agriculture Extension, College of Agriculture, UASB, Karekere -573 225, Hassan Dist. Karnataka, India.

S Jyothikiran

Department of Mathematics, Government Science College, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study was conducted with analysis of yield gap in adoption of production technology and economics of coconut through frontline demonstrations(FLD) at farmer’s field of Tumkur district, Karnataka state during the year from 2017-18 to 2019-20.The demonstrated plot yield obtained through frontline demonstrations was higher (9,932 nuts/ha) than the actual yield obtained by the farmers on their farm under own management practices (7,852 nuts/ha), but lower than the potential yield of coconut (12,300 nuts/ha).The data revealed that the total yield gap between potential yield and actual yield of coconut was 36.16 per cent, in which 20.92 per cent of yield gap between demonstration plot and actual farmers plot yield and 19.25 per cent of technological gap.

The maximum number of coconut growers adopted intercropping system (90.00 %) followed by irrigation method (86.66 %), whereas lesser adoption of harvesting of coconuts by coconut climber (26.67 %). More number of farmers were found to increase in adoption per cent of growing of green manure crops & incorporation (56.67 %) and soil sample analysis from coconut plot (53.33 %) and also improved soil fertility status of demonstrated plot as compared to farmers practices. There was significantly increased the yield of coconut (26.49%) after conducted the frontline demonstrations. The gross return, net return and B:C ratio was also found to increased in demonstrated plots as compared to farmers’ practice. The adoption of different production package of practices in coconut shows positive impact on yield and economics of coconut through adoption of demonstrated technology.

Keywords: Adoption, coconut, frontline demonstration, production technology and yield gap

How to Cite

Desai, Nagappa, B. Mamatha, M. H. Shankara, and S Jyothikiran. 2024. “Yield Gap Analysis in Adoption of Production Technology and Economics of Coconut at Farmers Field of Tumkuru District, India”. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 17 (4):783-92. https://doi.org/10.9734/arja/2024/v17i4588.