The Effect of Plant Spacing and Weeding Time on the Growth and Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

Gribaldi *

Department of Agroteknologi, Universitas Baturaja, Indonesia.


Department of Agroteknologi, Universitas Baturaja, Indonesia.

Ekawati Danial

Department of Agroteknologi, Universitas Baturaja, Indonesia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The need for cucumber continues to increase in line with the increase in population, living standards, education level and public awareness of the importance of nutritional value.  Increasing cucumber crop production continues to be carried out through improved cultivation techniques, such as planting distance and weeding time. This study aims to determine the effect of various planting distances and weeding time on the growth and production of cucumber plants. This study used a factorial Group Randomized Design and three repeats. The factors studied consist of planting distance (J), namely planting distance 30 cm x 60 cm (J1), planting distance 40 cm x 60 cm (J2), and planting distance 50 cm x 60 cm (J3). Weeding time (W) treatment consists of weeding time 2 Week After Planting (WAP) (W1), weeding time 2 and 4 WAP (W2), and weeding time 2, 4 and 6 WAP (W3).  The results showed that Plant distance and weeding time influence the growth and yield of cucumber plants. The combination of treatment with a planting distance of 40 cm x 60 cm and weeding two times (2 and 4 WAP) is the best treatment for influencing the growth and yield of cucumber plants. Weeding two times (2 and 4 WAP) was not significantly different from weeding three times (2, 4 and 6 WAP) on the growth and yield of cucumber plants. The highest SDR was at 40 x 60 cm planting distance (J2), which was 62.35%.

Keywords: Cucumbers, planting distance, weeding time, growth and production, summed dominance ratio (SDR)

How to Cite

Gribaldi, Nurlaili, and Ekawati Danial. 2024. “The Effect of Plant Spacing and Weeding Time on the Growth and Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.)”. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 17 (4):218-25.