Effects of Inter-community Conflicts on Beef Cattle Production among Pastoral Communities of Marsabit County, Kenya

Galm Waqo Roba *

Kenya Methodist University, P.O Box -267, 60200, Meru, Kenya.

Mworia Mugambi

Kenya Methodist University, P.O Box -267, 60200, Meru, Kenya.

Martin Koome

Kenya Methodist University, P.O Box -267, 60200, Meru, Kenya.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The focus of this research was to determine the effects of inter-pastoral communities conflicts on beef cattle production, to determine the effects of livestock diseases on beef cattle production among pastoral communities in Marsabit County. The study employed a descriptive survey research method. Our study's target population was made up of 1210 beef cattle keepers with a total population of 118,755 beef animals. Marsabit County was chosen at random using purposive sampling techniques. After stratification, 60 out of 200 registered farm groups was chosen at random. The researcher conducted a pilot study to determine the instrument's suitability. Data was statistically handled, manipulated and analyzed by Statistical Software for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher employed both descriptive and inferential statistics where correlation analysis, chi-square analysis and standard multiple regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between the variables as well as for making generalizations about the data. Diagnostic tests was checked to ascertain violation of assumptions. The study found out that these conflicts not only directly reduced cattle numbers but also instilled an atmosphere of fear and instability, discouraging investment and effort in cattle rearing. Proactive measures to mitigate inter-community conflicts, such as conflict resolution initiatives and improved security measures, are essential for safeguarding both livestock and human lives. The study recommends investing in conflict resolution measures and programs.

Keywords: Inter- community, conflicts, beef cattle, production, pastoral communities

How to Cite

Roba, Galm Waqo, Mworia Mugambi, and Martin Koome. 2024. “Effects of Inter-Community Conflicts on Beef Cattle Production Among Pastoral Communities of Marsabit County, Kenya”. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 17 (4):31-40. https://doi.org/10.9734/arja/2024/v17i4495.