Impact of Conservation Tillage on Soil Physical Properties under Sorghum-wheat Cropping System in Semi-arid Tropics of Haryana, India

Dheeraj Panghaal *

Department of Soil Science, CCSHAU KVK, Jind, India.

Pratap Singh Sangwan

Department of Soil Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004, Haryana, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study was conducted at Research Farm of CCSHAU, Hisar. Three tillage (Zero tillage, conventional tillage and minimum tillage) and four P treatments (0, 45, 60, and 75 kg ha-1) were applied in wheat. The mean weight diameter of soil aggregates in 0-5 cm soil depth was significantly higher under zero tillage as compared to other tillage practices. Maximum aggregation was in 5-10 cm soil depth. Amongst three tillage systems, bulk density increased with depth. The saturated hydraulic conductivity was significantly improved under zero tillage as compared to other practices. Moisture content was significantly higher at field capacity under zero tillage as compared to other methods, while moisture content at permanent wilting point (PWP) was not affected significantly by tillage treatments. Infiltration rate was almost identical under conventional tillage and minimum tillage practices, respectively which was significantly lower than the zero tillage.

Keywords: Soil physical properties, tillage practices, sorghum-wheat

How to Cite

Panghaal, Dheeraj, and Pratap Singh Sangwan. 2024. “Impact of Conservation Tillage on Soil Physical Properties under Sorghum-Wheat Cropping System in Semi-Arid Tropics of Haryana, India”. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 17 (3):83-91.